31 mars 2012

Europe: avis du Groupe 29 sur la réforme de la protection des renseignements personnels

Le Groupe de l'article 29 vient de publier un avis sur le projet de "réforme globale des règles en matière de protection des données pour accroître la maîtrise que les utilisateurs ont sur leurs données, et réduire les coûts grevant les entreprises" présenté le 25 janvier dernier par la Commission européenne (billet). 

On peut y lire que:  
"The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (Working Party or WP29) welcomes the proposals adopted by the European Commission that seek to reinforce the position of data subjects, to enhance the responsibility of controllers and to strengthen the position of supervisory authorities, both nationally and internationally. Subject to further improvement the rules proposed can significantly reduce the existing fragmentation and strengthen data protection across Europe.
The Working Party in particular welcomes the inclusion of provisions that give incentives to controllers to invest, from the start, in getting data protection right (such as data protection impact assessments, data protection by design and data protection by default). The proposals place clear responsibility and accountability on those processing personal data, throughout the information life cycle.
The Working Party underlines the importance of the provisions intended to clarify and strengthen data subjects’ rights, notably by clarifying the notion of consent, the introduction of a general transparency principle and enhanced redress mechanisms. Also, the introduction of a data breach notification duty that provides consistency across all sectors is very welcome.
The Working Party also welcomes the fact that the proposals harmonise the powers and competences of supervisory authorities to more effectively ensure and where necessary enforce compliance, both individually and in cooperation with each other, for example, by being able to impose significant fines.
Despite its general positive stance toward the proposed Regulation, the Working Party feels that parts of the proposal for a Regulation need clarification and improvement. With regard to the Directive for data protection in the area of police and justice, the Working Party is disappointed by the Commission’s level of ambition and underlines the need for stronger provisions.
The Working Party has carefully studied both proposals and with this opinion provides its first general reaction to them. The opinion highlights areas of concern and where appropriate makes suggestions for improvement. Where appropriate, the Working Party may produce further opinions on specific provisions or aspects of the proposals in the future.
The Working Party calls on the Council and members of the European Parliament to take the opportunity to improve both proposals and enhance the protection of personal data in the European Union."
(Source: Article 29, Opinion 01/2012, p. 4)
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